Hola and welcome to the SPA282OW! This semester we will be sitting back, kicking up our feet and enjoying (continuing) a Spanish soap opera!
In Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish, lawyer Raquel Rodriguez travels to Spain, Argentina, Puerto Rico and finally to Mexico, all to solve a secret that don Fernando has been hiding from his family.
The episodes are in conversational Spanish, with some narration in Spanish and some in English. We watched episodes 1-26 in SPA281OW, in this class we will continue with episodes 27-52!
I will supplement each episode with grammar notes to help you with your journey.
We will use the discussion board to discuss the episodes, to ask for clarification on anything confusing in the episodes and to practice our Spanish.
The discussion boards will also serve as ATTENDANCE, so please try to stay active. YOU need to comment in the discussion board EVERY WEEK to be considered present, even if you're telling me you're behind because it's too much.
Here's your 1st question/assignment:
1. Introduce yourself to the class and give an idea of how much Spanish you've had.
2. Do you have the ability to record your voice and email me/post spoken assignments? Web cams would be better. I'd love to see videos of your assignments.
3. Can you upload a picture to represent you in class? It doesn't have to be your actual photo, even though it would be nice, but a photo to represent you.
The above is already posted in Moodle.
YOU all know I don't really stress too much about deadlines, but you may need a little bit of guidance with suggested completion times so that you're not stressed at the end of the semester...
You should be finished with
- MODULE 1: Mexico part 1 by 6 July 2012
- MODULE 2: Mexico part 2 by 13 July 2012
- MODULE 3: Mexico part 3 by 20 July 2012
- MODULE 4: Mexico part 4 by 27 July 2012
- FINAL ... no flexibility here it's due N.L.T. MIDNIGHT 1 August 2012. GRADES are due 2 August 2012
I would aim to finish the episodes and discussions by the above dates and use the weekend to finish and submit the "quiz."
I'll post episodes, grammar notes (written and audio). I'll also provide links to my webpage and to my pod casts.
Until I can figure out how you can submit your audio or videos you can submit them to my email: smoore@mail.sampsoncc.edu
Check back here weekly for the schedule and additional notes.
If you need me, you can Facebook me, Tweet me, email me or text me and of course you can always reach me here!