Monday, March 26, 2012

la semana de 26 de marzo (week 12)

'It is today we must create the world of the future.' Eleanor Roosevelt

Hola mis estudiantes...

SPA111 Elementary Spanish 1 (both classes)
Lección 3: Los trabajos de la casa
Present indicative of -er and -ir verbs
Possession with de
Tener, Tener expressions and the verb Venir
Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

SPA112 Elementary Spanish 2 (both classes)
Lección 7: Un fin de semana
Preterit of regular and irregular verbs
Indirect Object Pronouns
The verb gustar
Reflexive verbs

SPA141 Culture and Civilization
Continuing with CHE 

SPA221 Spanish Conversation
Vamos a hablar de la película y de nuestras vidas. Quiero empezar con Pablo Neruda también.

SPA181/182 Spanish Labs
Mi Vida Loca
Web cams?

Remember, if you need me, you can email me, Facebook me, tweet me, and/or text me. YOU can also ask me questions here.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

SPA112ON El Mercado Test

Hola mis estudiantes,

Tonight we will have a review for the El Mercado test, then I will pass it out.

HOWEVER, considering the $$$ of gas now a days, if you don't need the review, the test IS available online on Moodle. You can download the test and either upload it on moodle, email it to me, or turn in the hard copy next week.

The speaking assignment will be due by class Thursday, 29 Mar 2012. Either send me a video or a voice recording. I have to hear your voice. If you don't have the ability to do either, I will have video cameras in class next week and you can record then, I'll also be starting chapter 7 and the preterite next week.

Ciao and GOOD LUCK,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SPA221: Vocabulario Maria llena de gracia

María llena eres de gracia

El estómago
La foto
La mula
Los rayos X
La rosa 

El trabajo
El camello - colloquial for job
El cultivo - plantation
La flor - flower
La plata - money
Renunicar - to resign, quit a job

El nacimiento y la muerte
El bebé - baby
El chino - colloquial, child
El cuerpo - body, in this case corpse
Ir del cuerpo - to do one's business, to go do what I need to do
Embarazada - pregnant
Enfermarse - to get sick
Morirse (o-ue) - to die
Los preparativos - preparations, arrangements

El tráfico de drogas
La aduana - customs
Entregar - to deliver
Hacer daño - to hurt
La pepa - pellet
Tragar - to swallow

Otras Palabras
Amar - to love
Asustarse - to be frightened
Dejar - to allow
La dirección - address
El pasaje - ticket
Probar(o-ue) - to prove
La prueba - the test
Quedarse - to stay
Quedarse con - to keep something
Regresar - to return, go back
De regreso - back
Reventarse (e-ie) - to burst
El tipo - guy
Tratar (tratar de) - to treat (to try on)
Volarse (o - ue) - colloquial, run off
Aguantar - to withstand, put up with
Ahorrar - to save
El/la bobo(a) - fool
Bajarse - to get down; to get out or off
Callarse - to be quiet
Conseguir (e-i) - to obtain
Importar - to matter
¿Qué le importa? - What's it to you?
La llamada - telephone call
Merecerse - to deserve
La parte (ir a otra parte) - to go somewhere else
Le va a tocar... - you'll have to...
Pedir disculpas - to apologize
El rollo - roll
Seguir (e-i) - to follow
Sentirse (e-ie) - to feel emotions
Subirse - to go or come up; to get in or on (like a car or plane)
Tranquilo(a) - Don't worry.

More info for you in a bit.


Present Progressive of the verb "ir".

More times than not a student asks a really good question that requires some thinking on my part. Not because I don't know the answer, but because I don't want to give one of those famous "because" answers.

Here's her question: "What is the present progressive form of "ir"? Is it estar vando? I want to say, "I'm going to go to Texas." I guess I should just say "Voy a Tejas," huh?

EXCELLENT QUESTION!! 1. The present progressive form of "ir" is "yendo". It's irregular and rarely used, especially since the regular present tense will solve your needs and is more commonly used.

Using your sentence, I would use the "ir + a + infinitive" format. Voy a ir a Tejas. I'm going to go to Texas. Your sentence is more of a semi-future type of sentence, than a present progressive which leads me to point 2.

2. Remember the purpose of using the present progressive. We use it to express what we are in the process of doing, what's happening right now as we speak. I think this is one of the reasons why using "yendo" is rare.

Can I use "yendo"? Sure!

Imagine you're on a bus/train/boat/plane/bike and I call you and say, "hola chica, ¿Qué estás haciendo? Since you are in the process of "going" you could say, "Estoy yendo a Tejas".

I would think that you were very excited about your trip. Makes sense?

This is just to give you an idea of how "yendo" works and one example of how I'd use it.

Hope it helps.


P.S. Keep them coming, these questions help me, help you, and help others and that's what learning is all about!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

SPA111ON: Nuestras Clases Exam

Hola y'all :)

Your exam has been posted on moodle. 50 points for the written section and 25 for the speaking part.

Here is the rubric I'll be using for the speaking section:

1 pt: Poor sentence structure, tenses used incorrectly; not understood
2pts: Fair sentence structure, major errors, some variety in tense use, but with frequent errors
4pts: Good sentence structure, minor errors
5pts: Excellent sentence structure, no errors

1pt: Little or no effort to enunciate and articulate in Spanish
2pts: Major errors in enunciation, some effort in articulation in Spanish
4pts: Minor errors in enunciation, fluent
5pts: Clear and concise, fluent

1pt: Presentation does not show practice. 
2pts: Presentation shows some practice.

4pts: Presentation shows practice but is performed as if it has been memorized, not conversationally.
5pts: Presentation shows practice and is performed conversationally.

Verbs/Subjects AGREEMENT
1pt: Verbs generally do not agree with their subjects. 
2pts: Verbs often do not agree with their subjects.
4pts:Verbs generally agree with their subjects.
5pts: Verbs always agree with their subjects. 

Adjectives and Nouns AGREEMENT
1pt: Adjectives generally do not agree with the nouns they modify. 
2pts: Adjectives often do not agree with the nouns they modify.  
4pts: Adjectives generally agree with the nouns they modify.  
5pts: Adjectives always agree with the nouns they modify 

Speaking section:
Tell me your name and the date of the recording (whether you email me your video, post it on you tube, or record in class).
What do you do (activities) and when do you do it? I'm looking for classes, days of the week and times. Do you work? What's your work schedule? When is your birthday?

You can upload your exam, email me your exam, or bring the hard copy to class next week. You can send me your video or you can record your speaking section in class with one of the flip cameras. 

Buena Suerte, 