Monday, March 26, 2012

la semana de 26 de marzo (week 12)

'It is today we must create the world of the future.' Eleanor Roosevelt

Hola mis estudiantes...

SPA111 Elementary Spanish 1 (both classes)
Lección 3: Los trabajos de la casa
Present indicative of -er and -ir verbs
Possession with de
Tener, Tener expressions and the verb Venir
Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

SPA112 Elementary Spanish 2 (both classes)
Lección 7: Un fin de semana
Preterit of regular and irregular verbs
Indirect Object Pronouns
The verb gustar
Reflexive verbs

SPA141 Culture and Civilization
Continuing with CHE 

SPA221 Spanish Conversation
Vamos a hablar de la película y de nuestras vidas. Quiero empezar con Pablo Neruda también.

SPA181/182 Spanish Labs
Mi Vida Loca
Web cams?

Remember, if you need me, you can email me, Facebook me, tweet me, and/or text me. YOU can also ask me questions here.


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